General Information
Publication director: Marie-Paule Barraud
Editorial: François Barraud
Website design: Élodie Cavel
Website realisation: Pierre Barraud

This site contains links to other sites, including official websites (institutions, public agencies, etc.) and private ones. These web pages are not part of the site of the chambre d’hôtes La Croze. They do not engage the responsibility of the director of publication.

Intellectual property
The texts, photos and images on this website are the property of the chambre d’hôtes La Croze. Reproduction in whole or in part, and any representation of the substantial content of this site, one or more of its components, by any means whatsoever without express permission of the chambre d’hôtes La Croze, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by the articles L.335-2 and following of the french Code of Intellectual Property.